Saturday, May 19, 2007

Entering the Home Stretch

With only four weeks to go until the "official" big day (in quotation marks because nobody ever has their baby on their due date), I thought I'd put up my list of the top five questions I've been asked about my pregancy. Here they are, in order of frequency:
1. When are you due? June 15
2. What are you having? A baby, I hope. I don't know the gender yet.
3. Are you going to breastfeed? Yes; in fact, I plan to exclusively breast-feed for the first six months, and then for as long as the baby wants. If you're a complete stranger (and yes, they have asked), it's none of your damn business.
4. Do you have any "weird cravings?" I eat a lot of ice cream, which I didn't eat very often before I got pregnant. Otherwise, no. BTW, I have yet to meet a woman who really ate pickles and ice cream during her pregnancy.
5. Do you feel any different? If you were carrying 20+ pounds, in a basketball-shaped lump on your abdomen, wouldn't you?
Funny that not many seem to ask about stuff like what's the worst pregnancy symptom you've had (heartburn, by far), or what was your favorite part of pregnancy (when I first felt the baby move). But just a few short weeks, I'll probably be able to post a list of top five questions I've been asked after the baby. Keep reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to see your keeping up the blogging, this gives me the updates and little something to read from time to time, hope all is well!